Gallery All Studio Renovations Grand Opening Renovation_TrackLighting Installing new lighting on the walls—the gear was adopted from a shop that was closing Renovation_ScrapingGunkOffFloor Prepping the cement floor before the laminate flooring could be installed. Renovation_NewFloor The edge of the beautiful, newly installed laminate flooring. Renovation_PaintingUpHigh Can’t be afraid of heights when it comes to creating a dance studio in a warehouse! Renovation_KehauVolhein&MaileLoo The crew in charge of making it happen—Kēhaulani Volhein and Maile Loo. Renovation_MirrorInstall A mirrored dance studio is daʻ best! Renovation_FanInstall Fans on the walls help keep the fresh air moving and the dancers cool Renovation_FabricWalls Renovation_CleaningNewMirrors Eight newly installed mirror panels getting a shining!