Gallery All Studio Renovations Grand Opening Butterflies Welcome to the House of the Butterfly! Named for Auntie Nona’s hale in Puna, Hawai‘i. Studio_BuildingFrontAddress This is the official name of the building where Hale Pulelehua is located. Studio_NoCarpets Beautiful mirrored wall—24-feet long Studio_HulaIsLife Words to live by for hula dancers! Studio_Carpets Carpets are laid down over the laminate when not in use to help protect the floor Studio_Outside View from the parking lot looking at partially raised warehouse door Studio_ParkingLot See the orange circle—that’s Hale Pulelehua! Renovation_TrackLighting Installing new lighting on the walls—the gear was adopted from a shop that was closing Renovation_ScrapingGunkOffFloor Prepping the cement floor before the laminate flooring could be installed. Renovation_NewFloor The edge of the beautiful, newly installed laminate flooring. Studio_Sign-Dream We believe in dreams and dreaming! Studio_StreetView Here is the driveway you turn into on Alaloa Street. Studio_Straight_Carpets Some classes leave the carpets down during class for extra padding. Studio_ViewFromAbove Beautiful wall to wall laminate flooring, lovely to dance on. Studio_WhiteBoardArea White board and bulletin board for use by teachers and classes gallery-GrandOpening2009-HonoredGuests description text here Dr. Kamanamaikalani Beamer, HPS Founder Auntie Nona’s grandson (pictured with Maile Loo, and Board members Linda Rich and Pali Kaʻaihue) gallery-GrandOpening2009-MaileHalauDancing Kumu Maile Loo’s wahine sharing a hula for this special gathering gallery-GrandOpening2009_NaKumuHula Nā Kumu Hula Lilinoe Lindsey, Nawahine Kuraoka, and Auntie Joan Lindsey joined us for the Grand Opening in March 2009 gallery-GrandOpening2009_HulaNanisDancing Kent Ghirard’s Hula Nanis sharing a hula from “back in the day” (L->R: Pat Ching, Isabel Sua, Mae Parish, Panana Keawe, Winnie Naihe) GO_CelebrationTent The view looking out from inside Hale Pulelehua GO_GeneKoisDocumenting HPS Videographer Gene Kois doing his thing! GO_KehaulaniVolhein HPS Administrative Assistant and Event Planner extraordinaire, Kēhaulani Volhein GO_KumuJoanLindsey Auntie Joan Lindsey sharing a hula at the Grand Opening GO_KumuJoanLindsey&Maile A fun moment between HPS’s Maile Loo and Kumu Joan Lindsey GO_KumuKentGhirard Hula Nani leader Kent Ghirard taking a tour of Hale Pulelehua—his donation helped HPS purchase the flooring GO_NaKumuDancing A hula by Kumu Leina’ala Naipo Akamine (Kumu Puluelo Park’s younger sister) and at right, Kumu Malia Bird Helela (graduate of Auntie Pulu) GO_WelcomeChant Kumu Maile Loo and her hālau keiki share an Oli Aloha to welcome the guests GO_StudioName Adorning the walls of Hale Pulelehua—HPS Founder and Kumu Nona Beamer, King David Kalakaua, and Kumu George Naope Renovation_PaintingUpHigh Can’t be afraid of heights when it comes to creating a dance studio in a warehouse! Renovation_KehauVolhein&MaileLoo The crew in charge of making it happen—Kēhaulani Volhein and Maile Loo. Renovation_MirrorInstall A mirrored dance studio is daʻ best! Renovation_FanInstall Fans on the walls help keep the fresh air moving and the dancers cool Renovation_FabricWalls Sudio_Mirrors Renovation_CleaningNewMirrors Eight newly installed mirror panels getting a shining!