Gallery All Studio Renovations Grand Opening Welcome to the House of the Butterfly! Named for Auntie Nona’s hale in Puna, Hawai‘i. This is the official name of the building where Hale Pulelehua is located. Beautiful mirrored wall—24-feet long Words to live by for hula dancers! Carpets are laid down over the laminate when not in use to help protect the floor View from the parking lot looking at partially raised warehouse door See the orange circle—that’s Hale Pulelehua! Installing new lighting on the walls—the gear was adopted from a shop that was closing Prepping the cement floor before the laminate flooring could be installed. The edge of the beautiful, newly installed laminate flooring. We believe in dreams and dreaming! Here is the driveway you turn into on Alaloa Street. Some classes leave the carpets down during class for extra padding. Beautiful wall to wall laminate flooring, lovely to dance on. White board and bulletin board for use by teachers and classes Dr. Kamanamaikalani Beamer, HPS Founder Auntie Nona’s grandson (pictured with Maile Loo, and Board members Linda Rich and Pali Kaʻaihue) Kumu Maile Loo’s wahine sharing a hula for this special gathering Nā Kumu Hula Lilinoe Lindsey, Nawahine Kuraoka, and Auntie Joan Lindsey joined us for the Grand Opening in March 2009 Kent Ghirard’s Hula Nanis sharing a hula from “back in the day” (L->R: Pat Ching, Isabel Sua, Mae Parish, Panana Keawe, Winnie Naihe) The view looking out from inside Hale Pulelehua HPS Videographer Gene Kois doing his thing! HPS Administrative Assistant and Event Planner extraordinaire, Kēhaulani Volhein Auntie Joan Lindsey sharing a hula at the Grand Opening A fun moment between HPS’s Maile Loo and Kumu Joan Lindsey Hula Nani leader Kent Ghirard taking a tour of Hale Pulelehua—his donation helped HPS purchase the flooring A hula by Kumu Leina’ala Naipo Akamine (Kumu Puluelo Park’s younger sister) and at right, Kumu Malia Bird Helela (graduate of Auntie Pulu) Kumu Maile Loo and her hālau keiki share an Oli Aloha to welcome the guests Adorning the walls of Hale Pulelehua—HPS Founder and Kumu Nona Beamer, King David Kalakaua, and Kumu George Naope Can’t be afraid of heights when it comes to creating a dance studio in a warehouse! The crew in charge of making it happen—Kēhaulani Volhein and Maile Loo. A mirrored dance studio is daʻ best! Fans on the walls help keep the fresh air moving and the dancers cool Eight newly installed mirror panels getting a shining!