In order to sustain this important preservation work and expand online sharing of HPS’s cultural resources, we seek grant support from an array of agencies, and we welcome monetary donations from individuals, families, and foundations who believe in this effort. As a non-profit, contributions are tax-deductible and accepted in the form of checks, credit cards, and stocks and bonds.
We also appreciate your consideration of a legacy gift by including HPS in your estate plans, or an outright gift of real estate which may offer capital gains relief along with an income tax deduction. Please reach out at any time to discuss. Mahalo!
Three Ways to Support Us

Donate by Check
Mail your donation to:
P.O. Box 6274, Kāneʻohe, HI 96744
Make checks out to:
Hula Preservation Society

Donate Online
Make a donation with Paypal or Credit Card (You will be directed to a secured payment form by Paypal after clicking on button below.)
Volunteers Needed!
Got more time than money? We also welcome volunteers to HPS. Please contact us if you’re interested in coming in and helping with the myriad of collections work we have.